Redeeming the Time

I do a little ghost writing as part of my personal devotional discipline. I have been doing this for years now as I find that it helps me with my spiritual life formation and growth in my faith in the Lord.  This blog site is part of that discipline, but I also keep a personal journal that I hand write and I have been building an expository study for many years now. My goal is to get through the entire Bible before the Rapture.  It’s a good goal and one that is consistent with the title of this blog, Redeeming the Time.

In one of the most powerful chapters that the Apostle Paul ever wrote, Ephesians 5, the great apostle challenges the Ephesian believers (and us also) to 15 ‘walk circumspectly (carefully), not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.’  Walking carefully in this day and age is just as relevant as it was in Paul’s day.  We get one chance at life and we need to make the most of it for the glory of the Lord.  Walking carefully is living safely and keeping a safety mindset in how we conduct ourselves and live.  I always wear my seatbelt when driving or riding in a car.  I always wear eye protection when working with power tools.  I use gloves when I am moving things that may be harmful to my hands.  I wear close toed shoes when working outside or on projects and boots when that work involves long hours of movement and lifting.  I have learned to live like this because my life and health depends on it.  At 58 (soon to be 59) I need to keep myself in good shape if I am going to do the things that I do physically for the Lord.  A major part of this is NOT acting like a fool in the process; the Lord knows I have done my share of tomfoolery over the years.  Lawd have murcy.  

Paul challenges us to ‘redeem the time, because the days are evil.’ The days were evil in Paul’s day and they’re evil in our day also.  It would seem that evilness and sin are a constant theme in life, both in the 1st century and the 21st century.  It’s a good thing that the blood of Jesus transcends all of the NT era.  Our responsibly is to discover the love of Jesus and receive Him into our lives as our personal Lord and Savior before we die.  Once we’re saved, we need to live for Jesus in a way that better defines ‘redeeming the time’ for us individually. 

Our redemption of time manifests in how we live and serve the Lord.  We need to live in such a way that this happens. Too many people are building kingdoms to themselves that are centered around their comfort and security; but in reality, this planet is about ready to blow and anything that we have accumulated in this life is going with it.  Only those things done for the glory of the Lord will remain; those things that we do to redeem the time, those things that are recorded in the halls of Heaven.  

Here’s my Pastor Rob Lee’s top 10 ways to redeem the time in these last days.

1. Know where we’re at on the map.  Having a good eschatology will help you to live a good, full life on this side of the veil.  Being biblically prepared to die is just as important as redeeming the time God does give us.

2. Make every day count. Each day is one more day to serve the Lord and to represent Him in this dark and fallen world.  Begin each day with the Lord, rehearsing and anticipating where He will be leading you today.

3. Love those entrusted to your care.  We all have people in our lives; they are gifts from the Lord, we must not take them for granted.  They need to be loved and supported with our prayers and interaction. Love them!

4. Read, study, and obey God’s Word.  This is a must for any believer who has set out to redeem their time in this evil day.  God’s Word really is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.  Keep the Bible in your reading.

5. Use the gifts that God has given you.  We all have gifts, spiritual and talent. We must use them for God’s glory.  Whatever and however they’re needed, make sure to use them in accordance with God’s leading.

6. Be thankful for everything, good and bad.  It’s easy to thank God for the good stuff, but we need to thank Him for the hard stuff too.  There are lessons that need learning and God uses our stuff to mature us in Him. 

7. Prepare for your Bema Seat moment.  As believers in Jesus, we will all stand before the Lord and give an account of our lives.  Knowing this in advance will help us to anticipate a good response of ‘Well done.’

8. Appreciate God’s many blessings in your life.  There is so much beauty in this world.  It’s all around us as God’s creation in both people, nature, and things.  These blessings are to be counted and appreciated.

9. Listen to the voice of the Spirit and respond properly.  The Lord continually speaks to us via His Word, the Holy Spirit, and our inner voice of our spirit. He speaks to us through others and through creation.  Listen.

10. Look up, our redemption is near.  Looking up is watching for and hastening the Lord’s return for us in the Rapture. It doesn’t mean to stop working or ‘occupying’ for the Lord; rather, to do it more intentionally.

I hope you are living your life to the fullest; this too is His gift to us. Let’s live each day for His glory.


Encouragemen is a blog written by Pastor Rob Lee, recently relocated to Northwest Missouri.  He lives with his wife of 34-years, near their three adult children, their spouses, and children (their grandchildren).  Pastor Rob is an Ordained Assemblies of God minister, a former Lead Pastor (25 years), police chaplain, and community advocate.  He continues to serve, consult, and disciple men of God, including those who are in the ministry. 

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