We’re Getting Close!

It’s been a bit since I posed a blog. I’ve been jammed up with work and such, mostly occupying and doing what I am to be doing during this season.  The day I parked my bus, I went to the Christian school where I am serving as a foreman to begin a summer project.  I have been there every weekday since, working, and moving that project forward.  While it has its challenges, I have been faithful to the task and God is leading me. My prayer is for the crew that is working so diligently to complete an enormous remodel job in the elementary wing of the school in a small amount of time.  Alas, this is my summer of ’23.

As I am working, I am watching, and serving, and preaching as best I can.  I am a bit anxious as to how this will all unfold, but I am confident that God is leading and guiding according to His perfect will.  Most people are completely unaware of the pending catastrophe that looms over America and the world. They know things are not right and they are somewhat concerned about the future, but they are not being as introspective as they should be in their proper response to all of this.  I have never fully understood how the unrighteous and unsaved get through their days without Jesus.  I could never do it, I would never make it without Jesus.  He is my Rock.

The signs of Christ’s return are converging; as I watch the watcher reports and pray for those who give them, I am becoming more aware of the temporariness of this life.  I have pondered my past mistakes ad nauseum and am equally grateful to God that He has forgiven me of all of them; sins, shortcomings, stupid things that I have said and done; the list is as endless as God’s love for me.  In my devotions I am learning that I don’t have to retreat back to my past mistakes to correct them in my mind because, in the Lord’s eyes, those sins and mistakes are all forgiven; they are gone baby!  My renewed awareness of this spiritual reality is just as true for you as it is for me. God is faithful, He will forgive us of all our sin and cleanse us from all our righteousness. (1 John 1:9)  We must place our faith in Jesus, reaching out to Him in faith believing that He will and has forgiven us. 

The Lord is faithful and He will do what He says that He will do, but not just for us; rather, to fulfill Bible Prophecy in these last days.  The next major event is the Rapture of the Church, His Church, His bride.  We are about to launch and all I can do is occupy, prepare, watch, work, and redeem the little time that I have and make the most of everything God has given to me.  I want to be a good steward of the precious time and resources committed to me.  We are getting close and we must be about the Master’s business, now more than ever.

If I can challenge you man of God, be determined to run your best race now, making every moment count for God’s glory.  Our purpose here is not just to care for our families, pay bills, and stimulate the local economy.  We are to be soul winners for Jesus and to steward well those things and people entrusted to our care.  If you are not watching, I encourage you to make frequent YouTube visits to Tom at Watchman River, Chad at Watchman on the Wall 88, Aaron at God a Minute, Dr. Barry Awe, Pastor Sandy Armstrong at Soldiers for Christ Global Community Church, Tyler at Generation 2434, Adam at Watchman Adam, Supernatural by Design, Rock Island Books, and Amir Sarfati at Hope for Israel.   These are just a few of the watchers that I am following and listening to. While I don’t always agree or understand them, but they are our brothers in Christ who have been called of God to watch, research, and report biblical truth regarding the times and seasons in which we live.

We’re getting close. As we celebrate our 247th year of freedom in America, we are reminded of the degradation we are currently experiencing as we, as a nation, continue to fade in our former greatness on the global stage in leu of another global authority that is quickly rising, the antichrist system.  We’re getting close, look up!


Encouragemen is a blog written by Pastor Rob Lee, recently relocated to Northwest Missouri.  He lives with his wife of 34-years, near their three adult children, their spouses, and children (their grandchildren).  Pastor Rob is an Ordained Assemblies of God minister, a former Lead Pastor (25 years), police chaplain, and community advocate.  He continues to serve, consult, and disciple men of God, including those who are in the ministry. 

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